+7 495 204-10-20
Carriage rental Animal riding and sledding
Mon-Fri: 8:00-20:00

Sat-Sun: 12:00-21:00

Horse rental

Order form

Order description

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We offer horses of different colors for a photo shoot or for your events. Our horses are well trained for performances: they don't afraid light, noise and pyrotechnic effects. You can choose animals of different colors for cinema. With us you will find low horses and pony for children and big horses for adult.

All our animals are kind and calm.


A lot of positive emotions and memories will bring white troika on your wedding. Everyone can make order. One horse price begin from 15000 rub. Delivery in pointed place, services of skilled coachman are included in price.


  • One horse- 15000 rub for one hour
  • 6500 rub for each following hour
  • Two horses- 30000 rub for first hour
  • 15000 rub for each following hour

If you want to make order please call +7 (495) 204-10-20

See also:

+7 495 204-10-20
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Подарочный сертификат на фото-катание с хаски
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